目的 了解个体身高、体重对咬肌超声形态影响 ,探讨肌肉形态、功能对颅颌面形态的影响程度。方法 本研究采用超声成像技术测量 3 1例正常牙合青年女性下颌处于姿势位时浅层咬肌的各项形态指标 ,并将之与受试者身高体重进行相关分析。结果 得出身高体重与咬肌纵截面的长度成正相关关系。结论 个体的身高体重影响咬肌的形态。
Objective The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between the ultrasound image of masseter muscle and the stature and weight of each subject.Methods We applied the ultrasound technique to measure the image of the masseter muscle and did relevance analysis with the subject's stature and weight.Results It was showed that stature and weight influenced the ultrasound image of the masster muscle.Conclusion The systematic influence must be obviated when the study of masticatory muscle morphology is done.
Journal of Clinical Stomatology