介绍了一种针对飞虱类而研制的免喷型新农药剂型— 8%扑虱灵 (噻嗪酮 )水面扩散剂及其施药方法。试验和使用证明,新剂型农药不仅对飞虱的校正防治效率高 (8~ 20天内达 85%~ 98% ),对水田常见的小生物低毒,对人、畜安全,环境友好,而且由于显著提高了施药工作效率 (15~ 30倍 ),受到了用户的普遍好评。该新剂型农药具有很大的推广价值,其设计思路也值得延伸。
In this article a new form of agrochemical,“ Floating agent of 8% Burprofezin pestcide” ,and its working method were presented.It uses and poisons rice louse just at the point where the pests inhabit and eat.It is a new type pesticide and with a new working method of high efficiency(increasing efficiency by 15~ 30 times),very good effect (after using,killing ratio reaching 85%~ 98% during 3~ 20 days),low poison to other creatures and little pollution to the environment.The invention is convenient to use and the design idea of the new type of pesticide is useful in other agrochemicals.
Shanghai Chemical Industry