目的 探讨快速控制湖南省新疫区血吸虫病流行的防制对策。 方法 通过对新流行区进行重点纵向观察 ,根据各流行区的流行因素特点 ,合理组合运用现有防治方法。 结果 桃源试区居民血吸虫病感染率由 1998年的12 .16 %下降到 2 0 0 0年的 0 .14% ,下降了 98.8% ;耕牛感染率由 15 .91%下降到 1.35 % ,下降了 91.5 % ;活螺密度由9.12只 /0 .11m2下降到 0 .11只 /0 .11m2 ,下降了 98.8% ;感染螺密度由 0 .0 2 48只 /0 .11m2下降到 0 .0 0只 /0 .11m2。长沙市傅家洲和益阳市黑湖洲试区均在短期内取得了消灭钉螺阻断血吸虫病传播的效果。 结论 合理组合运用现有的防制措施 。
Objective To identify the rapid control strategies on newly endemic areas with schistosomiasis in Hunan province. Methods Based on the epidemiological characteristics of schistosomiasis transmission areas, longitudinal pilot observation of available control measures in newly endemic areas was conducted to optimize and reform the local practical control stragegy. Result In Taoyuan pilot, the infection rate of inhabitants was reduced from 12 26% in 1998 to 0 44% in 2000, reduced by 98 8%; and from 15 91% in 1998 to 1 35% in 2000 and reduced by 91 2% for cattle. Meanwhile the density of living snails had reduced from 9 12/0 11m 2 to 0 11/0 11m 2, reduced by 98 8%; and reduced from 0 0248/0 11m 2 to 0 for infected snails. Both in Fujia beaches in Changsha city and Heihu beaches in Yiyang city, the interruption of transmission mainly by snail control were achieved in the short periods. Conclusion Newly endemic areas with schistosomiasis could be rapidly controlled by the optimized and reformed available measures in the short periolds.
Practical Preventive Medicine
国家"九五"科技攻并项目!(96- 92 0 - 2 6- 0 2)