分析 5 2例PBMV术中 2 2例老年患者的手术情况 ,探讨老年人PBMV术的特点及其对策。手术结果表明 :老年组术后出现二尖瓣返流机会较非老年组多 ,房颤转窦性心律及心功能改善非老年组较老年组明显。说明与老年患者的病程长 ,瓣膜损害程度重 ,血流动力学及心功能障碍显著有关。提示在老年患者中开展PBMV更应掌握适应证 ,做好充分的术前准备。
Fifty-two patients received the PBMV operation at the Affiliated Hospital of Youjiang Medical College for Nationalities. Twenty-two of them were elderly patients whose operative conditions and measurements were analyzed. Results showed that there were more occurrences of mitral regurgitation in the elderly group than that in the non-elderly group. The atrial fibrillation reverting to sinus rhythm and the heart function improvement occurred more clearly in the non-elderly group than in the elderly group. The occurrence of the above conditions was closely related to the long-term disease of the elderly persons, serious defect of the valve and cardiac insufficiency. This study indicates that the operative preparation and having strict criteria for surgery are very important in the PBMV operation for the elderly patients.
Journal of Youjiang Medical University for Nationalities