目的 :观察不同注意状态下三音P3 0 0 的特点及其初步应用价值。方法 :对 42名受试者进行三音和传统二音odd ball诱发P3 0 0 检测 ,并将不同状态下的三音P3 0 0 与二音P3 0 0 进行比较。结果 :低概率靶刺激 (r T)和低概率双靶刺激 (r dT)状态下的P3 0 0 潜伏期短、波幅高 ,二者间无明显差异 ,低概率非靶刺激 (r nT)P3 0 0 和二音P3 0 0 的潜伏期和波幅也无明显差异 ,但r T和r dT与r nT和二音P3 0 0 间差异显著。刺激的物理特性和记录部位对三音P3 0 0 的影响不明显。结论 :注意是影响三音P3 0 0 的重要因素。三音P3 0 0 反映注意等认知功能的变化方面比传统二音P3 0 0 更灵敏而准确 。
Objective:To explore the features of three tone auditory P 300 in different status of attention, and its clinical application value.Methods:The three-tone auditory P 300 and traditional odd-ball auditory P 300 were determined in 42 normal subjects, and the results were compared with each other.Results:The latency of P 300 evoked by rare target stimuli(r-T) and rare double target stimuli(r-dT) was short,and the amplitude was high. No significant difference was noted between them. Such similar results were also found in the latency and amplitude of P 300 evoked by rare non-target stimuli(r-nT) and traditional two tone odd-ball auditory stimuli. But significant difference was noted between P 300 evoked by r-T and r-dT and that evoked by r-nT and two tone auditory stimuli. The physical features of stimuli and the recording sites didn’t show important influence on three tone P 300. Conclusions:Attention might be an important factor to infuence the three tone P 300.Three tone P 300 might be more sensitive and specific than the traditional odd-ball auditory P 300 in the observation of cognitive function such as attention, and might be of promising clinical application value.
Journal of Clinical Electroneurophysiology
Event-related potential
Three-tone auditory stimulus
P 300