由于社会主义改造形势发展的需要 ,由于有可以借鉴的经验 ,国家在全行业公私合营的同时推行定息制度。定息表面像“息” ,但是实质上是国家以分期付款的方式购买资本家的生产资料。在实施定息的过程中 ,中央注意到应将资本家与一般工商业者相区别。实施定息制度使企业的性质发生根本的变化 ,有利于调动工人的积极性 ,有利于工商业者的改造 。
With the existing experience to use for reference, the state not only carried out the joint state-private ownership in a11 professions but also introduced the “fixed interest”system so as to meet the needs of socialist transformation.The “fixed interest” seemed to be “interest” but in fact the state was purchasing the means of production from capitalists. In the practice of “fixed interest”, the Central Government realized that distinctions should be made between capitalists and other industrialists and businessmen. The introduction of “fixed interest” had brought about basic changes in the nature of enterprises and was thus beneficial to not only the mobilization of workers’enthusiasm and the transformation of industrialists and businessmen but also the state's reorganization of enterprises
Journal of Hubei University(Philosophy and Social Science)