本文认为 ,高校开设邓小平理论课 ,需要有教学方法上的创新 ,基本观点教学法是一种有益的探讨。文章区别了它不同于传统教学法、专题教学法的特点。把邓小平理论的基本观点划分为两类 :十大理论观点 ,四种思想方法论观点。
This article holds that a methodological innovation is needed for colleges and universities to offer the course of DENG Xiao-ping's Theory, and the methodology of teaching basic concepts is a useful approach. The article compares this approach with other teaching methodologies such as the traditional one and that of a special subject, and it classifies the basic concepts of DENG Xiao-ping's theory into two types: ten major theoretical concepts, and ideologically methodological concepts. The teaching focus and the combining point of theory with pracitice of each basic concept are also studied.
Journal of Hubei University(Philosophy and Social Science)