市民法之价值核心 ,即自由。在罗马法中 ,自由的理念并非是绝对精神自主地实现自己 ,市民法的发展昌明无论其主体地位的普及抑或确认法权关系的精密可操作性 ,俱与人之解放这一市民法的信念相关联。在法典化时期 ,自由理念表现为完全之契约自由 ,并得以进一步蓬勃发展 ,成为整个法律正义哲学的核心。在当代 ,自由理念虽然受到了一定的限制和削弱 ,但在市民法中仍保持着最初的重要价值。随着社会的发展 ,对自由意志的更新规范仍只能在对法律行为本身适法规格上 ,却非对法律行为的理念自由的否定。
The value core of jus civile is freedom.The connotation of freedom is not the absolute spirit-independent achieving itself in Roman law.Whether the popularization of its principal status or the precise maneuverability of affirming the connection between law and power,the development and prosperity of jus civile is all correlative with the belief of jus civile,human liberation.The display of freedom meaning is the complete freedom of contract in the corpus juris period.Moreover,it gains the more development and becomes the core of the whole law justice philosophy.In the present age,freedom meaning suffers some restrictions and weakness,but remains the prime important value in jus civile.With the development of society,the update criterion for freedom meaning is still on law actions themselves legitimacy norms,but not the negation on the meaning freedom of law actions. [
Social Sciences Journal of Universities in Shanxi