从世界竞争的高度出发 ,立足社会主义市场经济和教育改革的现实土壤 ,目前加强师德修养应从三个方面努力 :一是忠诚党的教育事业 ,转变教育观念 ;二是爱岗敬业 ,对工作精益求精 ;三是为人师表 。
Based on the analysis of the world competition and the market-economy and educational reform in China,the authors have come to the conclusion that at present the teaching morality should be strengthened in the following aspects:firstly,to be loyal to the cause of education,and develop a new attitude toward education secondly,to devote oneself to the duties of teaching and improve one's teaching skills constantly;and lastly,to be worthy of the name of a teacher and try to meet the challenge in the market economy. [
Social Sciences Journal of Universities in Shanxi