高校人才管理工作的群体效应是整个人才管理工作的组成部分 ,既有人才管理的普遍性 ,又有高校本身的特殊性。为了提高高校整体合作效应。应提高高校人才管理的群体意识 ,调整人才群体智能结构 ,重视个人知识库建设 。
Group effect of talents management is a constituent part of talents management in colleges and universities ,with both its universality and its own specific characteristics.The paper is mainly on enhancing group effect so as to bring it into practce earlier and make it serve for society better.The author presents his analysis from six angles,focusing on the macroscopic regulation and application of talents management,selective association with concerted effort ,the strengthening of the construction about the individual knowledge storage,and the overall improvement of management quality,and probing the future of science and technology.The paper points out the significance in exorable trend and important function of group effect,gives scientific and technical workers advice on how to face the highly developing science and technology,adopt themselves to and seek further development in the keen competition of talents,science and technology. [
Social Sciences Journal of Universities in Shanxi