本文从英国 50余所大学地理系中选择出较具代表性的的近 2 0个地理系 ,对其地理学科专业课程体系进行了较为详细的分析。分析表明 ,英国高校地理学科专业课程体系基本上是统一地理学的课程体系框架、三年学制的课程体系架构和两种类型课程的板块结构 ,其课程体系具有强调统一及综合、重视基础、注重方法和技术的培养与训练等显著特点。同时通过比较找出国内高师地理学专业课程体系设置的不足与差距 。
This paper analyzes the characteristics of geographical curriculums in universities in Britain. Results show that their geographical curriculum system is based on united geography, 3-year schooling period and two types of curriculums. All the geographical curriculums have some remarkable characteristics such as emphasizing integration and foundation and laying stress on methods and technologies in the training of students. All of these can be used for reference in curriculum system reform in universities in China.