素质教育要求高等师范院校培养具备特定人格特征的师资人才为目标。文章指出“师范人格”包含了民族性、复合性、现代性的内涵 ,同时分析了校园文化的主导与导向 ,创造与调适 ,规范与塑造功能 ,尝试将“师范人格”塑造与校园文化的开展相结合 ,达到培养素质全面的师范人才的目的。
Tertiary institutes of teacher-training aim at training teachers of characteristic qualities in accordance with the princcple of quality education. This paper deals with such contents of teacher qualities as nationality, complexity and modern conception, and analyzes the functions of campus culture, namely, the guidance role,the creative role and the specificalion role, presenting a model of combining teacher quality mould with the function of campus culture.