20世纪 90年代后期 ,中国出版业的出版发行环境发生了重大变化 :业内改革面临实质性的突破 ,知识经济的比重迅速提高 ,经济全球化和“入世”加速了资本向出版发行业的扩张 ,电子出版物和网络的发展速度惊人。面对诸多因素的冲击 ,作为国有主渠道的新华书店必须建立适应社会主义市场经济的运行机制 ,只有努力培育市场 ,调整发行结构 ,完善销售网络 ,巩固现有阵地 ,加强人才培养 ,增加科技含量 。
Being confronted with shocks from various sources, Xinhua Bookstore could only survive by establishing the new operative system that should meet the requirement of socialistic market economy, by cultivating the new market, by modifying the distributing structure, by furtherly perfecting sales network while consolidating what have been achieved, by strengthening the fostering of scientific and technological methods.
Journal of Ningxia University(Humanities & Social Sciences Edition)