利用长白山黑蚂蚁作为免疫刺激剂,对60 只断乳仔兔的免疫学指标进行了监测。外周血酸性α醋酸萘酯酶阴性率及免疫器官重量测定,试验组与对照组比较( P< 005 , P<001) ;巨噬细胞吞噬功能测定,试验组与对照组比较( P< 005) ;血清溶血素及溶血空斑法测定体外抗体形成细胞,试验组与对照组比较( P< 005) 。上述结果表明,蚂蚁具有较强的提高仔兔免疫功能的作用。
The immune datas of sixty weaning rabbits which feeding Changbai mountain ant have been studied.Analyse to the negative rate of acid α naphthyl acetate esterace (ANAE) in ciruling and weight of immune organ.Test group compared with control group (P<0 05,P<0.01).Analyse the function of Macyophage.Test group compare with control group (P<0.05).Analyse serum hemohysin and plaque forming cell (PFC).Test group compare with control group (P<0.05).The result showed that feeding ant to weaning rabbit has a strong effect on immune function.
Journal of Economic Animal