Seeds of Slash Pine were obtained from natural range of the species in the USA (6 states). Provenance tests were carried out in 7 locations (latitude range from 21.9~31.8°N) in China in 1981. There was some variation among different seed sources of Slash Pine in 8-year height, diameter and volume growth. The correlation of growth with climatic factors of seed sources was not significant. There was also no significant seed source x location interaction. Superior seed sources of Slash Pine were from Florida, South Carolina and Georgia states.Species comparisons of land races of Slash,Loblolly and local Masson Pine were also included in the tests. In southern subtropical regions, Masson Pine and Loblolly Pine showed better performance at high elevations (300~500m), but Slash Pine was better at low hill and coastal regions. Loblolly Pine and Slash Pine grew faster than Masson Pine in low hill and mountains of central subtropical regions. Loblolly Pine was the best at low elevations of northern subtropical regions when compared with local Masson Pine and Slash Pine.
Forest Research