目的 探讨米非司酮用于足月孕鼠引产对仔鼠及母鼠的安全性影响。方法 妊娠大鼠 36只 ,随机分成三组 ,妊娠第 18天给予不同剂量米非司酮 (0、1 6mg/kg、10mg/kg) ,每组 9只 48小时后处死 ;另 3只自然分娩 ,观察出生一周内的仔鼠生长发育状况。结果 仔鼠出生一周时心、肺、肝、肾、脑的形态指标无异常 ,生长发育良好。母鼠用药 2周后的心、肺、肝、肾、脾的形态学观察与血常规、肝肾功能检测未发现剂量相关性改变。结论 米非司酮在选用的剂量范围和实验条件下 。
Objective To study the safety after mifepristone in induced labor at term on young and maternal rats.Methods Thirty six pregnant rats for labor induction were divided into 3 groups and randomized to receive placebo or mifepristone 1 6mg/kg or 10mg/kg on pregnant day 18.In each group nine pregnant rats were sacrificed after 48 hours,and other three pregnant rats induced spontaneous labor,observing the growth and development of newly born rats in first week.Results No significant changes were found regarding mifepristone doses to the morphologic observation and body weight of newly born rats in first week.No significant changes were observed regarding mifepristone doses and medication time,2 weeks or 48 hours,to the morphologic observation,blood routine examination and hepatorenal functions for maternal rats.Conclusion It is safe for rats using mifepristone in labor induction at term according to dose limits and experimenal conditions.
Jiangsu Medical Journal