研究了不同水分含量(干燥温度×干燥时间)以及不同扫描次数对油菜种子含油量测定值及其生活力的影响。结果表明应用NMR 法测定油菜种子含油量的最适条件为45℃烘干6h,种子发芽率仍在90%以上。
It was studied that different water content (drying temperature×drying time) and different numbers of scan affected the determination value of rapeseed oil content and activity of oil seeds in the test. The result showed that the fittest condition, by which rapeseed oil content is determined in NMR, was that it spent 6 hours on drying seeds in 45℃. Yet germination capability of seeds is still over 90%.
China Western Cereals & Oils Technology