核糖发酵液用饱和醋酸铅除去菌体、杂蛋白,然后通过AB-8 树脂进行脱色,脱色液分别经过001×7,201×7 树脂脱盐后,经过浓缩,于201×4 硼酸型阴离子交换树脂进行分离。以0.02 m ol/L四硼酸钠缓冲液为洗脱液,将其中核糖流分浓缩、加甲醇除去硼酸根后,加乙醇减压浓缩得到白色核糖固体。
The culture medium removed microbe and protein by adding about 10% saturated PbAc.Treated with AB 8.001×7 and 201×7 resins to decolor and desalt,then passed through 201×4 anion exchange resins (BO - 3),washed with 0.01 0.02 mol/L Sodium tetraborate to exclude Glucose,pentose solution was concentrated and Boric acid was excluded as methyl borate under reduced pressure,D ribose was crysted with addition of EtoH.
Journal of Tianjin University of Light Industry