家庭是子女的第一所学校 ,父母是子女的第一任教师。父母的品行修养以及家庭的环境氛围无不潜移默化地影响着青少年的道德行为习惯的形成 ,家庭伦理道德是个体道德化的摇篮。为了把青少年培养成适合社会主义现代化事业需要的德才兼备的人才 ,必须进一步深化家庭伦理道德建设 ,不断提高家庭的道德文明水平。
Family is like the first school that children attend,and parents are like first teachers.The behaviour and cultivation of parents and the family environment can exert a subtle influence on the habitual formation of teenagers' morals and behaviour.Family ethic and moral principles are like the cradle for individual moralization.In order to meet the needs of our socialist modernization course,we should train the teenagers into talents of both morals and abilities,which must depend on the further deepening of family ethics and steady raising of the level of family morals. [
Social Sciences Journal of Universities in Shanxi