在系统可编程大规模集成逻辑器件 I S P L S I 编程时可不用编程器, 用户可直接对目标系统反复编程。本文介绍了 Lattice 公司的 I S P L S I 器件1016 , 讨论了用 I S P L S I 器件设计逻辑电路的方法, 并给出了一个应用实例, 最后还阐述了 I S P L S I器件的开发前景。
ISPLSI (In System Programmable Large Scale Integration) device is different from the traditional PLD (Programmable Logic Device) in that it is not necessary to use a special program device and the user can directly program the object system repeatedly. This paper introduces the Lattice Semiconductor Corporation′s ISPLSI device 1016, discusses the design method of logic circuit by using ISPLSI device with an example and, finally, expounds the prospect of ISPLSI device development.