近年来 ,我国对产学研合作的研究不断深入 ,不仅理论上有了长足的发展 ,而且在实践上也进行了各种形式的探索。但对于地区性综合大学来说 ,由于受各种因素的影响 ,起步较晚 ,其要体现为地方经济发展服务 ,必须搞好产学研合作。首先要从转变观念和加强内部管理 。
The research into the cooperation of production, study and research has been deepened in China in recent years, not only in theory but also in practice. As they are affected by various factors, local universities must do well in the cooperation of production, study and research, in order to serve the local economic development. They should start working with renewal of ideas, strengthening of internal management and establishment of incentive mechanism.