西藏高校的发展历程与西藏的社会主义建设同步 ,目前其专业设置中还存在着办学分散、师资力量薄弱等问题 ,为了适应西部大开发与西藏经济社会的发展 ,在继承西藏传统藏医等专业优势的同时 ,要加大工科专业、师范专业和职业教育等专业的发展。
On the basis of summarizing the development of higher learning institutions in Tibet,this article analyzes the major defects in the current structure of specialities.It is proposed that in order to accommodate the Developing Western China,and to boost the social and economic development in Tibet,higher learning institutions in Tibet should promote the expansion of technological,normal and vocational specialities on top of the traditional advantageous specialities.
Journal of Research on Education for Ethnic Minorities