处于世纪之交的中国经济遇上了东南亚金融危机的强烈冲击 ,给出口、内需和投资各方面造成了极其困难的局面。本文依据对我国国民经济增长的统计资料及有关资料 ,针对性地分析探讨了我国经济增长的目标与条件 ,制约经济增长的主要因素 。
At the turn of the century, China's economic development was affected by the financial turmoil sweeping across Asia. The country's export, domestic need and foreign investment have undergone difficulties. With statistics and other relevant data,the author believes that there still exists favourable variables and prerequisites for the continuous growth of the economy.
Journal of Suzhou Institute of Urban Construction and Environmental Protection(Social Science)