罗香林出身于上世清贫的文人之家 ,并受过良好的家庭教育、学校教育和名师的教诲薰陶。毕生专心致力于包括客家历史在内的历史研究和历史教学工作 ,著作等身 ,被誉为客家研究的一代宗师。其《客家研究论》和《唐代黄巢变乱与宁化石壁村》等著作 ,既是客家历史文化的垦荒奠基之作 ,更是“宁化石壁与客家世界”
Luo Xiang lin devoted himself to the historical teaching and studying, and has been praised a master of Hakka study by academic circles. His dissertation-The Directory of Hakka Study and Huangchao Rebellion in Tang Dynasty and the Village of Shibi Ninghua-was both the foudation of the history and culture of Hakka, and the pioneering of the study of “Shibi Ninghua and the world of Hakka”.
Journal of Shaoguan University