Since the third plenary session of the Elerenth central Committee has been held, the open door policy has been ste up, and tlen foreign invertors hawe been coming to china. An introduction to foreign capital compensttes the shorta ge of Chion's funds for anstwction, brings us the advanced technology and manage ment. experience, inereases the chance of empleyment and strengthens the wnpetit ion machanism. Nevertheless, with the entrance of foreign capital, foreign enter prises seize China's Market, shock national industry of china and andanger China 's economic saftey. Meanwhile, State-owned enterprises are being annexed and par chased by foreign enterprises, leading to the loss of state aupital. Therefore. i n the course of making use of foreign capital, we must formulate right policies to defend our own interests, thus can achieve the goal of mutual benefit and dev elopment.
Journal of Xinxiang Teachers College