家庭和睦是社会稳定的基础。家庭暴力犯罪是新形势下一种新的犯罪形态,是影响社会治安 的一大因素。当前家庭暴力犯罪已呈现出新的特点。本文系统论述了新时期家庭暴力犯罪的 主要特征和诱发原因,并提出了遏制这类犯罪活动的对策。
Family harmony is the foundation of social stability. The crime of family violence is a new criminal form. in the new situation and becomes a factor to affect public security. At present, the crime of family violence has presented new characteristics. This article deals with the features and causes of the crime of family violence and also puts forward the countermeasures against them.
Journal of Henan Public Security Academy