本文研究了中国食蚜蝇科木蚜蝇族 Xylotini 中的3个属:木蚜蝇属 Xylota、铜木蚜蝇属 Chalcosyrphus 和短角木蚜蝇属 Brachypalpoides.记述了其中5个新种:暗木蚜蝇 Xylota crepera He et Chu,新种、树木蚜蝇 Xylotaarboris He et Chu,新种、黄山木蚜蝇 Xylota huangshanensis He et Chu,新种、周氏铜木蚜蝇 Chalcosyrphus (Xylotomima) choui He et Chu,新种和卷毛短角木蚜蝇 Brachypalpoides crispichaeta He et Chu,新种;并记述了1个新记录种——懒木蚜蝇 Xylota tarda Meigen,列出了中国这3个属已知种名录.模式标本保存于上海农学院.
The prcsent paper deals with 7 species belonging to 3 genera,Xylota,Chalcosyrphus, and Brachypalpoides of the Xylotini.Among them 5 species are new to science,and 1 species is recorded for the first time from China.The lists of known Chinese species of 3 gcncra are presented.All type specimens are kept in the Insect Collection of Shanghai Agricultural Col- lege. The newly recorded species is:Xylota tarda Meigen.The new species are charcterized as follows: 1.Xylota crepera He et Chu,sp.nov. Male.Length:body 11mm,wing 9mm.Vertical and ocellar triangle,see Fig.1.Abomen (Fig.3)nearly parallel-sided,tergite 1 shining black,tergite 2~4 shining blakish brown, without distinct dull areas.For genitalia,See Figs.4~5. Female:unknown. This species may be easily distinguished from all the other members of Xylota trian- gularis group by the following combined characters:mesonotum without a dark-haired band:the apicovcntral claw-like process(Fig.4)of superior lobes(=lateral arms,Hippa 1985)somewhat smaller;supcrior lobes with some long bristles in midvcntral margin. Holotypc♂,Heilongjiang:Ning'an,26—VI—1984,collected by He Hilong. 2.Xylota arboris He et Chu,sp.nov. Male.Length:body 12mm,wing 8.5mm.Vertical and ocellar triangle,see Fig.6.Abdo- men(Fig.8)distinctly constricted at middle,narrowcst at junction of segments 2 and 3;tergite 1 black and with metallic sheen,ter(?)2 and 3 mainly yellowish brown,tcrgite 4 blackish brown.For gcnitalia see Figs.9-10. Female:unknown. This species may be easily distinguished from the other known spccies of Xylota sylvarum group by the following combined charcters:hind trochanter with short but distinct spur;hind femur(Fig.7)ventrally with pro-and retrolateral rows of stronger spines;tergitcs 2 and 3 mainly pale;acdeagus(Fig.10)different. Holotype♂,Heilongjiang:Ning'an,26-Ⅵ-1984,collected by He Jilong. 3.Xylota huangshanensis He et Chu,sp.nov. Male.Longth:body 11mm,wing 8mm.Vertical and ocellar triangle,see Fig.11.Abdo- men(Fig.13)distinctly constricted at junction segments 2 and 3,tergite 1 shining black, tergites 2 and 3 almost entirely blackish brown with lateral and posterior margins black, tergite 4 brown.For genitalia,see Figs.14~15. Female:unknown. This species is similar to X.fo Hull and X.conquilletti Hervé-Bazin,but differs from them by the following characters:mesonotum with distinct hairy pattern composed of a nar- row median stripe and a pair of broad submedian longitudinal stripes on anterior half;last two joints of the anterior four tibiae yellowish brown;genitalia(Figs.14~15)different. Holotype♂.Anhui:Huangshan,15-Ⅵ-1936,collected by K.F.Chen. 4.Chalcosyrphus(Xylotomima)choui He et Chu,sp.nov. Male.Longth:body 19mm,wing 13.5mm.Legs mainly reddish yellow;all coxae and trochanters,basal four-fifths of middle femora,apical two-fifths of femur and tibia and tarsus of hind leg black.Abdomen(Fig.18)very long,about 2 times as long as mcsonotum and scutellum together;dinstinctly constricted at junction of segments 2 and 3,broadest near apex of segment 3;tergites 1 and 4 shining black,tergites 2 and 3 black with the surface rough and with shining scmicircular lateral spots on anterior half.For genitaia,see Figs.19~21. Female:unknown. This species ia similar to C.(Xylotomima)curvipes(Locw),but differs from the latter in the following characters:larger in size;middle femur mainly black;anterior tibia ventrally with long,yellowish brown hairs;genitalia(Figs.19~21)different. Holotype♂,Heilongjiang:Ning'an,1-Ⅵ-1984,collected by He Jilong. 5.Brachypalpoides crispichaeta He et Chu,sp.nov. Male.Longth:body 12mm,wing 14mm.Head in frontal view subtriangular.Legs main- ly yellowish brown;anterior and middle coxae,last three joints of anterior four tarsi,base and apex of hind femur as well as apical three fifths of hind tibia black;hind coxa apicoventrally with a process armed with a brush of long setae;middle tibia,see Fig.24.Abdomen (Fig.23)narrow and long,nearly paralled-sided;with slight constriction at junction of tergites 2 and 3;black with metallic bluish sheen,tergites 1 and 4 shining black,tergite 2 with a pair of shining large lateral semicircular patchs and with I-shaped rough dull area in the middle,tcrgite 3 with shining black on anterior and lateral margins and with large triangular rough dull area on posterior half.For genitalia,see Figs.29~30. Female:unknown. This species is similar to the Indian species B.plumipes Hippa,but may be distinguished from the latter by the following characters:face black on upper half,yellowish brown on lower half;frons black;check black,white-pollinose;segment 3 of antenna unicolorous brown;apicoventral spur of hind tibia conspicuous;apical three segments of anterior tarsi black. Holotype♂,Fujian:Shaowu,5-Ⅴ-1986.