
瘦黑蚜蝇属Myolepta Newman及其新种记述(双翅目:食蚜蝇科) 被引量:1

摘要 本文记述双翅目食蚜蝇科黑蚜蝇亚科 Cheilosiinae 瘦黑蚜蝇属Myolepta Newman 3新种:中华瘦黑蚜蝇 Myolepta sinica Chu et He,新种、条背瘦黑蚜蝇 Myolepta vittata Chu et He,新种以及双斑瘦黑蚜蝇 Myoleptabimaculata Chu et He,新种。该属在我国为首次记录。所有模式标本保存于江苏省农业科学院植物保护研究所昆虫标本室. The genus Mtolepta Newman,1838 is a new record to China,and three new species belonging to the genus are described in this paper.A key to the three new species is given.All of the type specimens are deposited in the Insect Collection of the Institute of Plant Protection,Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Scienees. 1.Myolepta sinica Chu et He,sp.nov.(Figs.1A-E) Male:Frons shining black with yellowish tomcntose edges.Face broadened below, densely covered with yellowish grey tomenta except shining black central knob and lower oral margins,area beside central knob greyish yellow.Eyes bare,holoptic,touching for a long distance.Antenna brownish yellow,the third segment round.Orbits swoUcncd below. Thorax shining black with a slight reflection:scutcllum strongly emarginated with hind margin yellow. Abdomen shining black,the first tcrgite black at middle and yellowish at the sides; second tergite yellow with posterior corners and median longitudinal stripe black;third tcrgite with two semicircular yellow spots at anterior portion. Legs reddish yellow with yellowish hairs;femora swollened,apicovcntral face with black serrates;apico-dorsal one second of fore and middle femora,one third of hind femur brown;tibia and tarsi brownish yellow,fore tibia and tarsi,4~5th scgmcnts of hind tarsi darkened. Wing clear,the area at middle and apical one third with a little brown. Genitalia:Surstyli broadened with the upper edge round;9th sternite enlarged with the lower part produced semicircularly,and the posteroventral margin depressed longitudinally;superior lobe siender,point forcward;aedeagus tuber-shaped. Female:Similar to the male.Frons black,eyes edges whitish yellow tomentose spoted;face greyish yellow below sides,without central knob.Abdomen oval;yellow spots on third tergite very small.Legs reddish yellow with a little darker,except the 4~5th segments of tarsi and dorsal margin of hind fcmur brownish black. Length:body 8 mm,wing 8.5mm. Holotype:♂,Allotype:♀,Paratypcs:1♂,1♀,Nanjing,25.Ⅳ.1989,collec- ted by Chu Xiping. The new species is very similar to Myolepta luteola(Gmclin),but may be distinguished from the latter by the lower face with yellowish spots and the shape of male genitalia different. 2.Myolepta vittata Chu et He,sp nov.(Fig s.2A-D) Male:Frons shining black with yellowish tomentose edges.Face black,covered with yellowish grey tomenta,except shining black central knob and lower oral margins.Eyes bare,holoptic,touching only for one point.Antenna yellowish brown, third segment round.Orbits greatly swollencd below. Thorax black,densely covered with yellowish grey tomentose;mesonotum with four blackish longitudinal stripes;scutellum obscurely emarginated. Abdomen shining black,somewhat paralled-sides;the first tergite grey;second tergite with the posterior edges yellow. Legs black;the femora swollened with the apical edges yellow,and apico-ventral por- tion with black serrates;tibia and tarsi darker yellow,except the fore tibia and tarsi,the 4 5th segments of tarsi of middle and hind darkened. Wing brown;area below stigma and apical one third dark brown. Genitalia:Sustyli somewhat elliptical;9th sternite broadened and enlarged below,and the posteroventral margin depressed longitudinally;superior lobe slender,pointed foreward:acdeagus tuber-shaped. Female:Similar to the Male.Vertex about one fourth of width of head.Frons shining black,eyes yellowish tomentose spoted.Face covered with dense yellowish brown tomenta,leaving the lower“Ⅴ”area and oral margin shining black.Abdomen oval. Length:body 8~9mm,wing 8.5mm. Holotype:♂,Allotype:♀,Nanjing,10.Ⅳ.1989,collected by Chu Xiping.Paratypes:16♂♂,9♀♀,Nangjing,10.Ⅳ.1984,15.Ⅳ.1989,collated by Chu Xip- ing. This new species is very similar to the Japanese M.shikokuana Shiraki,but the latter shining brilliant black;eyes holoptic,touching for a long distance;mesonotum slightly striated. 3.Mylepta bimaculata Chu et He,sp.nov.(Figs 3A-E) Similar to but differs from M.vittata Chu et He sp.nov.by the following respects: Middle sized species;eyes holoptic,touching for a long distance in male;face straighy vetract below the antenna;mesonotum obscuxely with longithdinal striated;the second tergite of abdomen with two yellow spots at anterior portion;genitalia different. Length:body 9~12 mm,wing 9~10mm. Holotype:♂,Allotype♀,Nanjing,10.Ⅳ.1984,collected by Chu Xiping, paratypes 26♂♂,16♀♀,Nanjing,10.Ⅳ.1984,15.Ⅳ.1989,collected by Chu Xip- ing.
出处 《上海农学院学报》 1992年第1期77-84,共8页
关键词 双翅目 食蚜蝇科 黑蚜蝇亚科 瘦黑蚜蝇属 新种 中国 Diptera Syrphidae Cheilosiinae Myolepta New species China
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