本文记述采自江苏省南京的食蚜蝇二新种:杨氏毛食蚜蝇Dasysyrphus yangi He et Chu,新种及南京鼓额食蚜蝇 Scaeva nanjingensis Heet Chu,新种.模式标本保存于上海农学院昆虫标本室.
The present paper deals with two new species of Syrphidae collected from Nanjing, China.The type specimens are deposited in the Insect Collection of the Shanghai Agricultural College. 1.Dasysyrphus yangi He et Chu,sp.nov. Male:Length 13 mm.Eyes yellow-haircd,hairs reaching 0.172 mm in upper part.Angle of frons at approximation of eyes 85 degrees.Face occupying about 47% of head width.For abdominal pattern,see Fig.1.This new species in appearance is similar to D. albostriatus(Fallen),but may be distinguished from it by the following characters:face median stripe reaching about 1/2 of distance between face tubercle and base of antennae; hind femora without a submedian dark annulation;and structure of genitalia(Figs.2~4)dif- ferent. Female:unknown. Holotype♂,Jiangsu:Nanjing,1.Ⅳ.1984,Chu Xiping. 2.Scaeva nanjingensis He et Chu,sp.nov. Male:Length 12 mm.Eyes densely hairy,hairs on sides reaching about 0.21 mm.Frons not produced.Angle of frons at approximation of eyes 110 degrees.Face occupying 50% of head width.For abdominal pattern,see Fig.5.This new species in appearance is similar to S. lunata(Wiedemann),but may be distinguished from the latter by the following characters: hairs on eyes somewhat longer(about 0.21 mm);front femur with predominantly black hairs; face occupying about 50% of head width;and superior lobe with two teeth(Fig.9). Female:unknown. Holotype♂,Jiangsu:Nanjing,Ⅺ.1984,Chu Xiping.