目的 :探讨沙林对人类染色体的影响。方法 :在沙林毒性气体事件中 ,检测了 8名暴露者、49名对照者的外周血淋巴细胞姊妹染色单体交换频率 (SCE)并进行了统计学分析。结果 :暴露组的SCE为 (4 916± 1 480 ) /细胞 ,对照组为 (3 76 6±0 6 2 0 ) /细胞 ,经Cochranttest单尾检验 ,P <0 .0 5 ,呈现弱阳性结果。结论 :阳性结果的主要原因是 3名症状严重的暴露者的SCE偏高 ,这可能与在抢救治疗过程中过量使用阿托品 (疑为致畸性药物 )有关 ,沙林估算量和阿托品摄入量之比为 1∶95 ,1∶2 5。但最终还需一些符合逻辑的、合理的实验和更长时间的暴露人群追踪调查的结果来作定论。对有机磷杀虫剂中毒病人的治疗应尽可能地交替和复合使用特效解毒药和胆碱脂酶复能剂 ,尽量减少可能由治疗药物产生的负面影响。
Purpose: To study sarin toxicity effect on human chromosomes. Methods: Frequency of sister chromatid exchanges (SCEs) was measured in lymphocytes of 8 victims of Tokyo sarin tragedy and 49 controls and statistical analysis was employed. Results: The mean frequency of exposure group was (4.916±1.480)/cell. The slightly significant difference was found as compared with the mean frequency(3.766±0.620)/cell of control(Cochran t test, one tail, P<0.05). Conclusion: The positive result may probably be due to an excess of atropine (a possible teratogenicity) during emergency treatment of by three victims with severe symptoms. Proportion was 1∶95, 1∶25 between dose accumulated of atropine and dose estimated of sarin. A finally conclusion requires logical and authentic experiments and more long term epidemiological investigation. In the treatment of organophosphorus pesticide poisoning, a compound and alternate application of special alexipharmic and cholinesterase reactivating agent must be emphasized in order to reduce the possible side effects of drugs as much as possible.
Carcinogenesis,Teratogenesis & Mutagenesis