目的:分析前列腺增生症术后膀胱痉挛发生的原因并提出缓解痉挛的护理措施。方法:采用马思诺层次需要原理(Maslow’s demands)分析引起膀胱痉挛的原因,根据析出原因,运用护理程序方法给予术前、术后预防及术后对症、身心兼顾的护理措施。结果:膀胱痉挛发生率为 21.3%(N=150),膀胱痉挛缓解率为 97.2%。结论:整体护理对于减轻膀胱痉挛,减少前列腺术后并发症,减轻患者的病痛,缩短膀胱冲洗时间,减少住院费用都有着重要作用。
Objective: To analysis causes of bladder spasm and to advance nursing measures afterprostatectomy. Methods:The spasm reasons(including the physical and psychological reasons) were anal-ysed with Applied Maslow's demands theory, then the corresponding psycho - physical nursing interven-tions were given. Results: The incidence of bladder spasm was 21.3% and 97.2% of them were re-leased in a different degree. Conclusion: Holistic nursing is important in releasing bladder spasm, de-creasing other complications of post - prostatecomy, lessing pain, shorting the time of bladder - washingand decreasing hospitalization expenses.