我国古代蒸馏酒的起源 ,众说纷云 ,莫衷一是。不少学者认为源于古代的炼丹术和炼金术。据相关资料表明 ,在我国元朝以前就有蒸馏酒生产。古代炼丹中采用了“上、下釜”、“上、下罐”工艺与现代的蒸酒术有相似处。
The origin of distillate liquor in ancient China is still an unsettled enigma for experts. And some of them believe that it comes of ancient alchemy and spagytism. The correlative data also indicates that the production of distilling liquor started before Yuan Dynasty. And we could find similarities between modern distillation techniques and ancient techniques of “above pot, under pot” adopted in spagytism.
Liquor-Making Science & Technology