The same basic population C0 had been selected for four cycles with Dominant male sterile wheat by means of the half-sib mating recurrent selection and the mass recurrent selection programmes.Results indicated that notable effects had been obtained in the main yield characters, such as kernel number of the main spike, kernel weight per plant and 100-kernel weight with the two selection programmes. A comparison in genetic advance showed that the advance gained by the improved half-sib mating recurrent selection was greater than that of the mass selection, but there was no significant difference between them. As to the effect of decreasing plant height, the effect of the improved half-sib mating selection was very significant, while that of the mass recurrent selection was not so significant. The increasing value of each character between cycles in the same selection programme was rather small and showed a tendency of wave advance. The variation degree of the population showed that the coefficient of variability tended to decrease for the two selection programmes, but the decreasing degree of the improved half-sib mating selection wa.s a little bit higher than that of the mass selection.
Acta Agriculturae Boreali-Sinica
Improved half-sib mating recurrent selection
Mass recurrent selection
population improvement
Basic population
Genetic advance
Dominant male sterile wheat