目的 探讨有心脏手术指征但合并肾功能衰竭的患者的手术治疗途径。 方法 为 1例患有严重的风湿性心脏瓣膜病 (心功能III~IV级 ) ,同时合并慢性肾功能衰竭 (血尿素氮 19 1mmol/L ,血肌酐 44 2 μmol/L)的 2 8岁男性患者 ,联合实施心脏瓣膜置换术和同种异体肾移植术 ,术后经过抗心衰、抗排异、纠正水电解质平衡紊乱及抗炎治疗。 结果 患者心、肾功能恢复良好 (心功能I~II级 ,血尿素氮 6 8mmol/L ,血肌酐 70 7μmol/L) ,术后 2个月出院。
Objective To find out a proper treatment for patients who have cardiac operation indications and renal failure concomitant. [WT5”HZ]Method[WT5”BZ] A 28 year old man had severe rheumatic cardiac valve disease (cardiac fonction III IV) and chronic renal failure (ureanitrogen 19.1mmol/L, 442μmol/L). ResultsCombined operations of cardiac valve replacement and renal transplantation were performed. The cardiac fonction was raised to I II, and the levels of blood ureanitrogen and creatinine were reduced to 6 8mmol/L and 70 7 μmol/L. The prognosis has been satisfying up to now. [WT5”HZ]Conclusion[WT5”BZ] Combined operations may be an ideal treatment for the patients with severe heart diseases and renal failure.
Chinese Journal of Surgery