目的 :总结激光原位角膜磨镶术 (L aser in situ Keratomileusis,L ASIK)治疗屈光参差后病人的屈光和视力结果 ,评价此疗法的效果、安全性和可预测性。方法 :2 5例屈光参差病人的 40只眼接受了 L ASIK治疗。术前 ,40只术眼的平均球镜和柱镜分别为 - 11.7± 4.78D(- 3.75~ - 2 2 .0 D)和 1.98± 1.48D(0 .0~ 6 .0 D) ,最佳矫正视力为眼前数指到 1.0 (平均 0 .6 ) ,2 5例病人的双眼平均球镜和柱镜之差分别为 7.47± 3.76 D(2 .5~ 16 .5 D)和 1.2 1± 1.44 D(0 .0~ 5 .75 D)。术后随访时间是 1天 ,1周 ,1、 3、6月 ,1、 2、 3年。结果 :术后 ,所有病人的屈光参差都有显著好转 ,双眼的平均球镜和柱镜之差分别下降到 1.49± 1.36 D (0 .0~ 5 .75 D)和 0 .5± 0 .71D(0 .0~ 2 .2 5 D)。术眼的平均球镜和柱镜分别下降到 - 1.2 4± 2 .0 2 D(1.5~ - 11.0 D)和 0 .5 8± 0 .6 2 D(0~ 2 .2 5 D) ,平均最佳矫正视力上升到 0 .9,31只眼 (77.5 % )的最佳矫正视力增加了 1至 7行。 2 2只弱视眼中 ,14眼 (6 3.6 % )的最佳矫正视力可达到 0 .8或 1.0。未发生明显的术中和术后并发症。结论 :L ASIK是一种安全、有效。
Refractive Surgery Center, Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital Objective: To evaluate the visual and refractive results of laser in situ Keratomileusis (LASIK) with anisometropia and to assess the predictability, safety, and efficacy of the procedure. Methods: 40 eyes of 25 patients with myopic anisometropia were treated with LASIK. Preoperative spherical and cylindrical refraction were -11.7( -4.78DS and 1.98(1.48DC, respectively. Best spectacle corrected visual acuity (BCVA) ranged from counting finger to 1.0 with a median of 0.6. Mean preoperative spherical and cylindrical refraction differences between, two eyes of 25 patients were 7.47(3.76D and 1.21(1.44D, respectively. Patients were checked at 1 day, 1 week, 1, 3 and 6 months, and 1, 2 and 3 years after LASIK. Results: Postoperatively all patients had reduced anisometropia. Mean spherical and cylindrical refraction differences between two eyes were 1.49(1.36D and 0.65(0.71D, respectively. Spherical manifest refraction ranged from 1.5 to -11.0D with the mean of -1.24 (2.02D. Mean cylindrical refraction was 0.58(0.62D. BCVA ranged from CF to 1.0 with a median of 0.9 postoperatively. 31 BCVA in 31 eyes (77.5%) increased by one to seven lines. Among 22 amblyopic eyes, 14 eyes (63.6%) could achieve 0. 8 or 1.0. There were no significant complications Conclusion: LASIK was safe, effective, and predictable for correction of anisometropia.
Chinese Journal of Practical Ophthalmology