为探讨螺旋CT三维重建技术在侵犯颅中窝底区域的颌面部肿瘤手术治疗中的应用 ,选择 6 0名正常范围的志愿者 ,在牙尖交错位状态下进行螺旋CT扫描 ,重建颅面骨三维影像 ,在EASYVISION工作站上对重建的颅底骨性标志点进行三维测量 ,并与 12具颅骨干标本测量结果进行对照。结果显示 :三维定量头影测量值与颅骨干标本测量值平均差异 <2mm ,测量结果有较好的同一性 (P >0 .0 5 )。提示三维定量头影测量对颅中窝底区域病变的诊断和治疗均有积极的指导意义。
To evaluate the usefullness of the three dimensional (3 D) reconstruction by helical CT for the surgical therapy of the tumor in the maxillofacial region, craniofacial bones of 60 native adults were scanned by helical CT in intercuspal position. 3 D image was reconstructed,and the anatomical landmarks of the skull base were measured in Easy Vision Workstation,and the results were compared with those of twelve cranium specimens. The results showed that the mean difference between the 3 D quantitative cephalometric measurements and the cranium specimens had a standard deviation of less than 2 mm, therefore there was a satisfactory agreement between the 3 D CT image measurements and the physical measurements ( P >0.05). It suggested that the 3 D quantitative measurement is a useful technique for the diagnosis of diseases in the base of the middle cranial fossa region,so that it is useful for surgical planning.
Medical Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army