研究了宾主盒的二向色性染料的有序参数(S)与其分子长度(l)、宽度等分子构型以及分子的偶极和诱导偶极的关系,发现S随l的增长而增大。当l增加到一定值时,有序参数增大缓慢,如果l超过液晶分子太大时,则出现下降趋势。而在平均分子长度为1.4 nm的E_7液晶中,染料分子长度达到2.30nm时,其有序参数将趋于饱和。染料分子的侧向取代基由于增加其分子宽度,也会使有序参数下降。宾主盒的有序参数随染料分子与液晶分子间偶极作用的增加而增大。宾主盒有序参数越大,其二色比越高,显示对比度一般也越高。
The relations among order parameters of dichroric dyes in guest-host cells, their molecular length and width, molecular dipole moment and induced dipole moment were studied. The order parameter (S) increases with length (l). When l increases to a certain value, the S increases slowly, if l of dye molecule is much longer than the l of liquid crystal molecule the S will tend to decrease. In E_7 (mean value of molecular length of the liquid crystal is 1.4nm), if dye molecular length reaches 2.3 nm, the S will approach saturation. Since the side substitution group increases its width the S will be decreased. The S of guest-host cell increases with the increase of dipole-moment between the molecules of the liquid crystal. The higher the order parameter of the G. H. cell is, the larger the dichroic ratio, generally, the higher its color contrast.
dichroric dyes
guest-host liquid crystal
order parameter
molecular dipole moment
induced dipole moment