十进制遗传算法是一种模拟生物进化的最优化搜索方法 ,由于其稳定性好、不需要计算目标函数的导数和能处理多维数值问题 ,十进制遗传算法在科学研究和工程技术中得到了广泛运用。通过对十进制遗传算法的收敛性进行分析 。
Floating genetic algorithm is an optimum method simulating the natural evolution mechanism. Floating genetic algorithm has been widely used in science and technology by virtue of its robustness, freedom of calculating the gradient of the objective function and the ability of solving multi dimensional numerical problems. With the analysis on the convergence of floating genetic algorithm in this paper, the work has established the theoretical foundation for modifying floating genetic algorithm.
Journal of Huainan Institute of Technology(Natural Science)