本文给出了一个用Turbo Pascal 4.0编制的实用程序。它可以在PC-DOS下显示汉字。Turbo Pascal 4.0强大的图形库和二进制文件管理系统被用来存储汉字或字符串的映象,并将它们显示到屏幕上。借此用户程序可以得到一个漂亮的中文界面,而几乎不占内存。
A utility programmed in Turbo Pasca1 4.0 is given in this paper,by which Chinese can be displayed on the CRT screen under PC-DOS.With the aid of powerful Graph Unit and binary file I/O system given by Turbo Pascal 4.0,any combination of image of Chinese characters or strings can be easily saved,then rctricved and displayed at any selected location on the CRT screen.By calling this utility unit,user program can obtain pretty Chinese display interfacc at a cost of the least memory.