

Effects of Svate-3, NGF and CM1 on Ischemic Spinal Cord Injury in the Rabbits
摘要 本实验旨在证实3种药物对神经损伤的作用及用药方法.方法:实验选用日本大耳兔24只,分5级:A组-正常组(致伤前);治疗组:B组──Svate-3+NGF+GM1;C组─NGF+GM1;D组-Svate-3;E组─生理盐水(NS)对照组.采用清醒家兔肾动脉下腹主动脉(IRA)阻断血流,造成脊髓12以下节段缺血模型,缺血时间为20min,观察24小时,测定脊髓诱发电位(MEP,SEP),脊髓血流量(SCBF),血液粘度和血气.结果:MEP潜伏期伤后治疗组和对照组均比伤前延长。P<0.05.治疗B组和C组在伤后8小时和24小时潜伏期延长D组和对照组在伤后4小时、6小时、8小时和24小时均有显著延长(P<0.01).SEP潜伏期B、CD、E组均比损伤前A组延长.C组在4小时,24小时潜伏期缩短.B、C组优于其它组.SCBF:B、C、D组与损伤前比较,没有显著差别(P>0.05).损伤后1小时、24小时SCBF下降.全血粘度(BCP)和血浆粘度B组、D组在24小时均下降,P<0.05.E、C组比伤前升高,P>0.05.血气pH均在正常范围,各组血气指标没有显著差别(P>0.05)结论:NGF+GM1或Svate-3+? Objective: To investigate the function and using methods of three drugs (snake venomantithrombus enzyme (Svate-3), nervous growth factor (NGF) and monosialoganglioside (GM1) forischimc spinal cord injury. Methods: 24 Japan-big-eared rabbits were routinely divided into 5 groups. Ingroup A. the rabbits had no nerve injury. In group B, rabbits were treated with svate-3 only. Group E withnounal saline (NS) as the control group. The animal model of sibal cord ischemia in awake rabbits wasmade by occluding the nephro-hyparterial aorta. The ischemia time was 20 minutes. The spinalcord evoked potential (MEP and SEP). spinal cord blood flow (SCBF), blood viscosity and blood gas were measured in 24 hours . Results .MEP (motor evoked potential): The latent period in group E. C. D and E isloger fhan that in group A (p<0.05-0.01). It Prolonged the 8h and 24h hours in group B and C, and itprolonged sighficantiy at the 4, 6, 8 and 24 hours in group D and E(P<0.01). SEP (sensory evokedpotentia); The latent period in group B, C, D and E is loger than that in group A. It shortened at the 4 h and24 h in group B and C. Group B and C is superior to the other groups. SCEB (spinal cord blood flow): ingroup B, C and D, it declined at the 1 and 24 hours (p<0.01 ). Blood viscosity (BCP and PCP) in group B andD declined at the 6 and 24 hours (P<0.05), and it rose in group E and C compared with group A (P<0.05).Conclusion: Using svate-3, NGF and GM1 or using NGF and GMI is supesrior to using svate-3 only fornerve injury repair. The three drugs have no effect on blood gas.
出处 《伤残医学杂志》 1999年第1期3-6,共4页 Medical Journal of Trauma and Disability
关键词 抗血栓酶 神经生长因子 神经节苷脂 脊髓缺血损伤 脊髓血流量 诱发电位 Antithrombotic enzyme, Nervous growth factor, Monosialoganglioside, Spinal cordischime injury Spinal cord blood flow, Evoked potential
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