Forty-one cases with the fracture of surgical neck of humerus using compressed screwwere reported. In 41 cases, aged range from 6 to 80 years, we have used 1 or 2 compressed screws to fixthe fractures of surgical neck of humerlis. 32 cases had been follow-up with an averane period of 3. 5months aller internal fixation. According to the scoring system of Neer, 84.37% of patients weresatisfactory by the biomechanical test and clinic the results demonstrated that the compressed screws haveexcellent effects of biomechanics. The axial compressive effects of the compressed screws could promotethe fracture heal and allow early functional exercises and achieve full functional recovery. The authorsbelieve that compressed screw have effect to fix fracture of surgical neck, of the humerus.
Medical Journal of Trauma and Disability