
利用残差统计检验评估区域GPS大地测量网解算方案 被引量:1

The Assessment of Strategies for Regional GPS Network Analysis with the Statistical Tests of the Post-fit Residuals
摘要 采用美国喷气推进实验室 JPL发展的 GIPSY软件解算区域 GPS网 ,比较了固定精密星历和同时固定精密星历及卫星钟参数 2种解算方案。残差统计检验表明前者的残差中仍保留了部分未解出的信号而后者的残差接近于白噪声高斯分布。解算结果与 ITRF96的比较和对重复率的统计表明 ,残差分布合理的解算较优。简单的残差统计检验的计算可提供重要的解算评估。 Based on the GIPSY, a GPS data analysis software package developed at JPL, the strategies of fixed precise orbits and fixed precise orbits and clocks for regional GPS data analysis are compared. It is shown with the statistical tests of the post fit residuals that conceivable signals still remain in the former solution while in the latter solution, they are basically noise. The discrepancy of these solutions from ITRF96 is computed as well as their repeatabilities to assess the solution strategies. It can be concluded that better solutions are those with reasonable post fit residuals. The statistical tests of the post fit residuals provide important assessments of the solution and they are easier to carry out than the usual external comparisons.
出处 《测绘学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2001年第2期101-107,共7页 Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica
基金 国家重点基础研究发展规划项目! ( G19980 40 70 3 ) 自然科学基金!重点项目 ( 1983 3 0 3 0 ) 上海科技发展项目! ( JC14 0 12 )
关键词 GPS 剩余残差 统计检验 全球定位系统 大地测量网 解算方案 白噪声 GPS post fit residuals statisticai tests
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