随着 Internet的深入发展 ,Web应用逐渐呈现面向对象和分布的特点 ,如何在浏览器端为用户提供一个面向对象的接口 ,使用户能够透明的访问分布在不同网络结点的数据 ,成为当前研究的热点。该文提出一种基于 Browser/ Server( B/ S)的分布对象模型 ,该模型以客观世界的实体为核心 ,通过构造组件对象模型封装对象的接口 ,并采用建立在组件对象模型基础上的分布技术 ,通过任务分派 ,远程过程调用 ,存取分布在不同网络结点的对象 。
With the further development of the Internet, Web applications have gradually shown object oriented and distributed characteristics. It becomes a popular research field to offer an object oriented interface to web browser, through which users can transparently access data distributed at diverse websites. This paper presents an object oriented distributed model based on B/S (Browser/Server). In this model we create compontent object models from real world entity, which encapsulate data and interface they can offer. This model also applies task allocation and remote procedure call technologies, which are based on distributed componet objects model to access distributed objects and complete the access to back end database.
Journal of Ocean University of Qingdao