叙述了新研制成功的以 8751单片机为主体的 2 3位光轴角编码器电路的原理、电路接口和程序实现。 2 3位编码器的分辨率为 0″ .155。同时它能以度、分、秒为单位显示望远镜的指向 (高度、方位 ) ,显示精度为 1″。新的 2 3位编码器电路结构简洁、性能可靠 ,完全达到了事先的设计要求并已正常使用在激光测距仪上。
The principle, interface circuits and programing of 23-bits Optical-Axis-Angular coder are introduced. The resolution of coder has been improved from 19-bits to 23-bits.This coder has two character. One is a simple structure and the other is a reliable capability. Now, this coder have been used in the Shanghai Laser Ranging system successfully.
Annals Shanghai Astronomical Observatory Chinese Academy of Sciences