目的 探索脑卒中的危险因素。方法 在现况调查的基础上,对424例观察对 象 进行1∶1的病例对照研究,初步估计和分析了脑卒中的比值比、归因危险百分比、人群归因 危险百分比。结果 吸烟、饮酒、高血压与脑卒中显著相关,高血压 患者有吸烟行为会提 高脑卒中发病率,而有饮酒行为并不提高其发病率(P>0.05),脑卒中归因于 吸烟、饮酒、 高血压的归因危险百分比分别是63.04%、74.51%、91.75%,人群归因危险百分比分别是2 7.66%、 22.84%、67.95%。结论 预防高血压,并对其生活行为方式加以干预 ,可降低脑卒中的发生率。
Objective To search risk factors of strok e.Methods 212 pairs of cases were selected from the prevale nce survey for 1:1 case-control study and OR,ARP,PARP were calculated. Results Smoking,alcohol drinking and hypertension were statistically significant risk factors of stroke.Smoking in hypertension patients would incr ease the rate of stroke incidence.ARP for incidence of stroke attributing smoki ng,drinking,hypertension were 63.04,74.51,91.75 respectively and PARP were 27.66,22.84,67.95 respectively.Conclusion The result sug gest that controlling blood pressure and interfering the behavior ways would red uce the rate of stroke incidence.
Chinese General Practice