1 . The content of Pchlide in etiolated cucumber cotyledons increased after the cotyledons were treated with GA3. Rise in the concentration of GA3 gave rise to the content of Pchlide. Pchlide in etiolated cucumber cotyledons decreased readily under light, and GA3 could delay this procss, which maintained a higher level of Pchlide in the time period. When etiolated cucumber cotyledons were treated with GA3, the content of Chla increased and the lage phase of Chla synthesis was shorter than that of the control. According to the immunoblot assay, the content of NPR protein also increased. 2 . When etiolated cucumber cotyledons were treated with PP333, the content of Pchlide, Chla and NPR protein decreased, and the lag phase of Chla synthesis was longer than that of the control.
Journal of South China Normal University(Natural Science Edition)