In this paper, the mean-square error, which were acquireed in determining LAGEOSorbit with SLR global n0rmal point data of 1992,was less than 8 cm ; some outliers and tgedata in a few of all passes including anomalous system errors were discovered from LAGEOSnormal point data of 1992 in the process of the residual analysesThe circumstances were able to have an adverse effect on precisely determiningLAGEOS orbits. This should be paid great attention too. Through the precision of the thirdgeneration SLR systems reached centimeter level even more, the 3rd generation SLR systemsof some stations were unworthy of the name or title due to above problems.Therefore, in the data obtained from the 3rd generation SLR systems stations theoutliers must be detected according to 3 times mean-square error standard. Because theanomalous system errors were reflected in time bias r, and range bias b,, they must bedetected according to 3 times mean-square values of and b over the year.The reliable meanings of time-bias and range-bias (these were abbreviated to time-range-bias) were still discussed in this paper.
Annals Shanghai Astronomical Observatory Chinese Academy of Sciences