The displacement parameters and gravimetry corrections of 9 VLBI sites in East Asia caused by M2,S2,K1, and O1 component of Japan sea are calculated by using the loading mass convolution with the Green's function based on the different earth models. The displacement parameters of the radial and horizontal component are between 3~ 12 mm for all sites of Japan, and about few mm for part of these sites respectively, in which, Kashima and Mizusawa sites have respectively 5 and 9mm for radial component. Shanghai site has about 1mm for radial component caused by K1 and O1 component. Daejeon site of Korea also has 3~4mm for radial and horizontal components. The maximum instantaneous deviations 0f baseline Iengths from Shanghai to Kashima and t0 Mizusawa due to no consideration 0f the Japan sea are I 7. 6mm and I28. 4mm, respectively. In addition, the loading corrections of gravimetry, for most of the sites are about O. 5 pGal, in which Mizusawa l Nobeyama, Kagosima,and Usuda sites are respectively about O- 8~O. 9 pGal caused by the corresponding ocean tide component, that much approximate to the observed accuracy of about11 pGal of present absolute gravimetry. As a c0nclusion, the ocean tide loading of Japan Sea have obvi0us effects on the coastal sites. Hence, it is necessary to taken the effects of Japan Sea into account in the data processing software. The most sizeable difference between the calculated loading displacements which based on Pagiatakis (199O), G - B and G - D earth model respectivelyare about O. 5rnn1, and the corresponding difference between the correcti0ns of gravimetry are near O. O4 UGal- Hence, the effects the adopted earth models on calculated parameters can be ignored at the present. The accuracy of convolution presented here is estirnated.
Annals Shanghai Astronomical Observatory Chinese Academy of Sciences