The time series of the observational sea level in the Pacific and Chinese sea areas in thiscentury from the tide gauge stations of PSMSl, and China are used to study the sea levelchanges in the various latitude zones of the Pacific and the coastal areas of China. The anal ysed results are the following:In the mid - latitude zones (20°S- 40°S, 20°N-40°N), the rising rate of sea level of thenorthern Pacific is getting higher than that of the Southern, especially, the rate of sea levelin the northern - eastern Pacific (20°S- 40°S, 180°E - 80°W) has reached 2. 3 mm/yr since1 960' s. ln the Equatorial zones (10°S- 10°N), the rising rate of sea level of the western Pa cif ic is closing to 2 mm/yr and larger than that of the eastern equatorial Pacific. In the higher- latitude zones (40°S- 70°S,40°N- 70°N),the sea levels in both the northern - western andsouthern - western Pacific areas are being the obvious risings and their rates in the higher latitude zones are 1. 5 mm/yr and 2. 5 mm/yr, respectively, it is confirmed that the effect ofice - sheet melting in the Antarctica on the sea level change is stronger than that in theGreenland.It is also shown from the sea level data of twelve tide gauge stations located along thecoast of China since 1960 that the mean sea level is apparently rising at a rate of about 3. 0mm/yr for East China Sea area near by Shanghai.
Annals Shanghai Astronomical Observatory Chinese Academy of Sciences