有些文献中关于UT0和UT1的关系的概念不够明确,甚至有明显的错误。本文论述了UT0和UT1关系的准确概念,指出: 1.UT1是地球自转参数之一,它正比于地球绕瞬时历书轴的自转角。UT1的数值与地球坐标系的参考极的选取无关,也就是与地极坐标的原点的选取无关。因此,各服务机构得到的UT1序列之间除观测误差外不存在其他系统误差,它们是直接可比的。 2.UT0不是地球自转参数,它仅是用单台站观测资料归算UT1过程中人为赋予的暂定值,因此没有独立的天文意义。一个具体UT0序列只对一特定台站有意义,它不具有全球意义。UT0的数值与地球坐标系的参考极的选取有关,即与极坐标原点的选取有关。
The conception of the relation between UT0 and UT1 mentioned in many papers are not clear and precise, even are wrong. In this paper, the author gives a precise conception about it and points out.
(1) UT1, as one of the Earth Rotation Parameters (ERP), is in proportion to the rotation angle of the Earth round its instaneous ephemeris axis. The determination of UT1 is independent of the definition of the reference pole of the Conventional Terrestrial Reference System (CTS), i. e. independent of the origin of coordinates of Earth's pole. All UT1 series provided by different ERP service centres are directly comparable with each other.
(2) UT0 is not a parameters of the Earth rotation and has not an independent sense in astronomy. It is only a temporary value in the calculation of UT1 and depends on the definition of the CTS. Therefore, the value of UT0 corresponding to a value of UT1 is not unique.
Annals Shanghai Astronomical Observatory Chinese Academy of Sciences